Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Recently Completed: Skull Sweater

This is a sweater I made for my son.

I'm extremely proud of it. It was, easily, the most maddening, frustrating thing I've ever knitted. I pretty much hate intarsia now, even though I have to admit it looks great when you finish. Thankfully, my son loves it. When I gave it to him he said, "This looks as good as something from a store!" I know he meant it as the highest compliment, but I thought, kid, there's nothing like this in any store!

I designed the sweater, and came up with the colors and striped sleeves and all that, but the skull came from domiKNITrix.

I knitted it using Knit Picks shine worsted, on US sz.5 addis. Oh, the red is actually Cascade Pima Tencel, which was a little thinner than the shine worsted, but it turned out okay. They are both very soft, and nice to knit with, but they have a tendency to make puffs of fluff fly around while you knit. That seems to have gone away after I washed the sweater though, and it was only a minor irritation. I would definitely use the yarn again.


Anonymous said...

That sweater is awesome.

Raymond said...

Oh my goodness!! You need to sell these! I really want this sweater for myself!!!